Agenda item

Constitutional Updates and Reporting

To consider a report detailing Urgent Decisions, Call-In Waivers, Amendments to the Constitution and Appointments to Committees.


Consideration was given to a report containing constitutional amendments, appointments to committees and reporting.



1)    Call-in waivers relating to the urgent Executive Reports and Urgent Chief Executive Decision be noted;

2)    The addition to the Constitution Part 3 Scheme of Delegation approved by the Leader on 17th January 2023, granting a delegation to the Chief Operating Officer to exercise delegations granted to Heads of Service in their absence, be noted;

3)    The changes to the Financial Procedure Rules and Standing Orders for Contracts be approved;

4)    The Council’s updated Procurement Strategy 2023-28 be approved;

5)    The updated Part 3 Scheme of Delegation (Council Functions) and Proper Officer List be approved, and

6)    The appointment of Cllr Mark Payne to the Scrutiny Committee be approved.

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