Voting record

 Full Council, Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023 6.30 pm

Item: Revenue and Capital Budget 2023/24, including Medium Term Financial Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy, Council Tax Support Scheme, Revenue Budget Statutory Report and Council Tax Resolution

Conservative Group Amendment 1:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForA Hosker, K Ingham, J McGowan, M Steel, C Towneley and D Whitaker6
AgainstA Anwar, H Baker, G Barton, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, S Chaudhary, S Cunliffe, S Graham, S Hall, J Harbour, B Horrocks, M Hurt, S Hussain, J Inckle, S Kazmi, A Kelly, A Khan, W Khan, J Launer, A Lewis, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, A Raja, C Sollis, J Sumner, M Townsend and A Wight28
Conflict Of InterestsA Fewings1

Conservative Group Amendment 2:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForA Hosker, K Ingham, J McGowan, M Steel, C Towneley and D Whitaker6
AgainstA Anwar, H Baker, G Barton, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, S Chaudhary, S Cunliffe, S Graham, S Hall, J Harbour, B Horrocks, M Hurt, S Hussain, J Inckle, S Kazmi, A Kelly, A Khan, W Khan, J Launer, A Lewis, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, A Raja, C Sollis, J Sumner, M Townsend and A Wight28
Conflict Of InterestsA Fewings1

Green Group Amendment 1:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForS Cunliffe, S Hall, M Hurt, J Launer and A Wight5
AgainstA Anwar, H Baker, G Barton, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, S Chaudhary, S Graham, J Harbour, B Horrocks, A Hosker, S Hussain, J Inckle, S Kazmi, A Kelly, A Khan, W Khan, A Lewis, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, J McGowan, A Raja, C Sollis, M Steel, J Sumner, C Towneley, M Townsend and D Whitaker28
Conflict Of InterestsA Fewings1

Green Group Amendment 2:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForS Cunliffe, S Hall, M Hurt, J Launer and A Wight5
AgainstA Anwar, H Baker, G Barton, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, S Chaudhary, S Graham, J Harbour, B Horrocks, S Hussain, J Inckle, S Kazmi, A Kelly, A Khan, W Khan, A Lewis, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, A Raja, C Sollis, J Sumner and M Townsend23
AbstainA Hosker, J McGowan, M Steel, C Towneley and D Whitaker5
Conflict Of InterestsA Fewings1

Budget 2023/24:

Resolution status:Carried

ForA Anwar, H Baker, G Barton, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, S Chaudhary, S Graham, J Harbour, B Horrocks, S Hussain, J Inckle, S Kazmi, A Kelly, A Khan, W Khan, A Lewis, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, A Raja, C Sollis, J Sumner and M Townsend23
AgainstA Hosker, J McGowan, M Steel, C Towneley and D Whitaker5
AbstainS Cunliffe, S Hall, M Hurt, J Launer and A Wight5
Conflict Of InterestsA Fewings1