Venue: Burnley Town Hall
Contact: Farzana Chowdhury Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Barton and Inckle. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th November 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Additional Items of Business To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There were no additional items of business. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members relating to any item on the agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
Members should consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda represent a conflict with any interests previously declared or new interests. They should also consider whether their register of interests requires updating as a result of any new undeclared interests. It is a requirement in law that any new or changed interests are declared within 28 days. It is incumbent on Members to notify Officers of these changes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Exclusion of the Public To determine during which items, if any, the public are to be excluded from the meeting. Minutes: Agenda Item 15: Burnley Vision Park, this Item would be taken under private items and would require exclusion of the public where information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority holding that information). |
Public Question Time To consider questions, statements or petitions from Members of the Public. Minutes: There was no request for public question time. |
Scrutiny Review Groups To receive an update on the work of any active Scrutiny Review Groups. Minutes: The group had met before the Christmas break a further meeting was scheduled and would report back to the committee in February. |
Notice of Key Decisions and Private Meetings PDF 1 MB To consider the list of future Key Decisions. Minutes: The notice of key decisions were noted. |
Lancashire Place Plan - Presentation A presentation shall be given to the committee on the Lancashire Place Plan. Minutes: This item was deferred to a future meeting in Spring. |
To Inform members of the outcomes delivered by the Business Improvement District (BID) in Burnley Town Centre during its first term which is due to expire on 31st March 2025. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report to inform members of the outcomes delivered by the Business Improvement District (BID) in Burnley Town Centre during its first term which was due to expire on 31st March 2025, and to seek the Executive’s authority to vote and to agree the budget for a proposed extension for BID 2.
The authority were owners of several properties in the BID boundary the Council would be invited to vote in the BID ballot. A plan showing the proposed extended BID boundary was provided in Appendix 1 of the report. And to ensure a seamless delivery of the BID, setting out the responsibilities for both the Council (as the BID levy collector) and the Accountable Body as the delivery body for the BID.
During the discussions members raised the following which included the possibility of expanding the locality to Padiham that businesses could benefit from. This would not be worthwhile as the BID needed to be one area. Members also commented that, this has made a positive difference in Burnley Town Centre.
RESOLVED: The Committee noted the report.
Empty Homes Programme PDF 125 KB A report too seek approval to make several Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) for long term vacant properties in the private sector.
Minutes: The committee received a report approval to make several Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) for long term vacant properties in the private sector. To dispose of the properties in accordance with the Council’s Disposal of Empty Dwellings Policy and scheme of delegation or to Calico Homes as appropriate.
The owners/personal representatives of these properties have been contacted and have either not responded at all or have given no reasonable proposals for renovating the property or bringing it back into housing use.
The majority of the properties are long term vacant properties, being empty, in one case for approximately 6 years, some properties are impacting on neighbouring properties and attracting vandalism and drug production. Without intervention by the Council through acquisition by agreement or CPO the properties may remain vacant, continue to deteriorate, attract anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and arson, all of which cause fear in local residents, resulting in a declining neighbourhood. 135 Manchester Road Hapton vacant since March 2018 49 Grange Street Burnley vacant since 3rd March 2020 13 Ash Street Burnley vacant since 13th October 2022 21 Pine Street Burnley vacant since 1st April 2023
Through the Vacant Property Initiative and Empty Homes Programme over 150 properties have been acquired, refurbished and re-sold or re let, bringing those properties back into use and providing high quality accommodation.
During the discussions the committee raised the following:
If it was possible for Calico to have first refusal on these properties, it was suggested that the authority do have a contract in place with Calico and that they were in the process of selling four properties to them. Members raised timescales for the CPO to be processed, It would take approximately six months for completion.
RESOLVED: That Members noted the report.
Establishment of Head of Property and Facilties Management PDF 97 KB A report seek approval to create a new post of Head of Property and Facilities Management. Minutes: The Committee received a report to create a new post of Head of Property and Facilities Management, Grade Band 3 to lead the Property Services/Facilities Management function from 1st April 2025 when the service returns to the Council from Liberata.
The Council has agreed, as part of the review of the strategic partnership with Liberata, to bring the property services/facilities management function back in-house with effect from 1st April 2025.
It is expected that the insourcing of the service will result in approximately 20 employees being transferred to the direct management of the Council. It is therefore proposed that, in order to provide management capacity, a post of Head of Property and Facilities Management be established.
It is proposed that the reporting line for the Head of Property and Facilities Management will be to the Director of Resources.
To have the postholder in place from 1st April it is suggested that the recruitment is undertaken as soon as practicable. The Officer Employment Procedure Rules within the Council’s Constitution provide instruction for the recruitment of Heads of Service and this will be followed.
The postholder will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the property services/facilities management function, asset management and preparing contract specifications and procuring contractors in line with Council standing orders and procedures.
The terms and conditions of employment of the Council’s Chief Officers are determined nationally by the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Officers of Local Authorities, as detailed in the Constitution Condition of Service Salaries.
When establishing a new Chief Officer role, the Council is required to assess the size of each job using a job evaluation scheme which determines the salary level as assess against the Council’s agreed salary structure for Chief Officers.
The Council uses the nationally agreed Local Government Employers JNC Job Evaluation Scheme which assesses jobs in the areas of knowledge, analysis and planning, impact and responsibility for resources.
The post of Head of Property and Facilities Management has been evaluated and assessed at Band 3 (£64,404).
During the discussions members raised the following:
If there was a job description pertaining to the post available, there was a lack of financial functions and if there were more detail available. There was a job description and this was available for Members to see, The post would potentially manage twenty employees with more responsibilities which will include facilities, cleaners etc which would also require the post holder to take on project work, this was a complex function. It was also suggested that liberate staff would not be moving into the Town Hall as there was limited space.
RESOLVED: Members noted the report. |
Community Safety Annual Report - To follow PDF 123 KB Minutes: Members received an update on Burnley’s community safety performance as part of the required statutory duty, in accordance with the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
The Pennine Lancashire Community Safety Partnership Priorities have for 2022-2025 were: • Maintaining Low Crime & Antisocial Behaviour • Targeting repeat offenders and those causing the greatest harm • Serious Violence. • Road Safety • Tackling Serious and Organised Crime • Domestic Abuse.
Proposed activity for 2024/2025
· Continuing to support the development and delivery of key, pan-Lancashire, strategies around reducing reoffending, violence reduction and knife crime, as well as locally defined priorities through Pennine Lancashire CSP and MATAC.
· The alley gate policy would be refreshed to incorporate the new review and removal process.
· The working arrangements with SMILE mediation service have been reviewed and a new referral procedure was in place. This will be further integrated into the ASB case management process.
· Deliver a full calendar of Targeted Ward Activity to ensure all parts of the district are included.
· Develop the work of a revitalized CAP, improving the links with education and retailers.
· Implement new Town Centre and Retail Area PSPO. Officers would work with partners including the police, BID, Charter Walk, and drug and alcohol services to maximise effectiveness of the tools and powers, support other colleagues to implement the new face to face sales and busking codes of conduct improve the town centre visitor experience.
During the discussions The Chair enquired about Pennine Safety Partnership and if this was worthwhile. The partnership did have benefits which worked well locally and there was indeed a strong culture of partnerships in this authority.
RESOLVED: Members noted the report. |
Work Programme 2024/25 PDF 102 KB To consider any amendments to the Work Programme for 2024/25. Minutes: Regular / Standing Items Notice of Key Decisions and Private Meetings Review Groups Work Programme
Policy Framework items Revenue Budget Monitoring Q3 2024-25 Capital Budget Monitoring - Q3 2024-25 Treasury Management Q3 24/25 Medium Term Financial Strategy Revenue Budget 2025-6 Capital Budget 2025-26 and Cap Investment Prog 2025/26 Treasury Management & Prudential Borrowing. Strategic Plan Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 and 2026/27 & Empty Homes Premium Policy
Exec Reports
RESOLVED: Members noted the work programme |
Burnley Vision Park Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority holding that information)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on Burnley Vision Park.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.