Voting record

Earlier - Later

 Development Control Committee, Thursday, 14th March, 2024 6.30 pm

Item: FUL/2022/0629 - Land West Of Heckenhurst Avenue Brownside Burnley

Motion to refuse planning permission against officer recommendation:

Motion status:Carried

That planning permission be refused as the application did not meet the requirements of Burnley’s Local Plan Policies IC1, IC2 and IC5.

Councillor Alan Hosker For

Item: FUL/2021/0691 - Land south of Rossendale Road, Burnley

Motion to refuse planning permission contrary to officer recommendation:

Motion status:Carried

That planning permission be refused as the application did not meet the requirements of Burnley’s Local Plan 2018 policy IC5 Protection and Provision of Social and Community Infrastructure.


Councillor Alan Hosker For

 Full Council, Tuesday, 27th February, 2024 6.30 pm

Item: Revenue and Capital Budget 2024/25, including Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2028/29, 2024/25 Treasury Management Strategy, Revenue Budget Statutory Report, Council Tax Resolution, Council Taxi Support Scheme and Empty Homes Premium Policy

Labour Group Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

Councillor Alan Hosker Against

Conservative Group Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

Councillor Alan Hosker For

Original Motion:

Resolution status:Carried

Councillor Alan Hosker Against

 Development Control Committee, Thursday, 13th July, 2023 6.30 pm

Item: FUL/2023/0036 - 4 Lindsay Park, Worsthorne-with-Hurstwood, Burnley


Motion status:Carried

To refuse the application as the proposal, due to its scale and massing would be an incongruous form of development and disproportionate to the size of the plot. As such it is considered to be overdevelopment of the site which would be at odds with the prevailing character of the area and have a detrimental visual impact, contrary to Local Plan Policy SP5 (2a).


Councillor Alan Hosker Abstain