Agenda and minutes

No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To consider the appointment of Chair for the meeting


Councillor Kelly was appointed Chair of the meeting.


Minutes of the last Meeting pdf icon PDF 272 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the last Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee meeting, held on 19th May 2022.


The minutes of the last meeting, held on 19th May 2022, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declaration of Interest

In accordance with the Regulations, Members are required to declare any personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests in respect of items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There were no declarations of interest in any of the items on the agenda.


Hearing of three Temporary Event Notices following receipt of notices of objection pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider a notice of objection received by the Licensing Authority in response to three Temporary Event Notices in relation to Electric Circus, 51 Bank Parade, Burnley.

Additional documents:


The Sub-committee considered a report relating to three Temporary Event Notices (TENs) for Electric Circus, 51 Bank Parade, Burnley following the submission to the Licensing Authority of an objection from Environmental Health.


The TENs were for events as follows:


1st October 2022

-        “40th birthday party for a private group to include the playing of recorded music by local dj’s”,

-        maximum number of people in attendance - 150

-        licensable activities applied for:

·       The sale by retail of alcohol from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs

·       The provision of regulated entertainment from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs

·       The provision of late night refreshment from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs


15th October 2022

-        “A ticketed music event which will limit the number of admissions and will be controlled with 2 doormen.  Performance of live music, playing at pre-recorded music, suppy of alcohol”,

-        maximum number of people in attendance - 150

-        licensable activities applied for:

·       The sale by retail of alcohol from 21.00hrs to 03.00hrs

·       The provision of regulated entertainment from 21.00hrs to 03.00hrs

·       The provision of late night refreshment from 21.00hrs to 03.00hrs


22nd October 2022

-        “To host a reunion party for a private group to include the playing of recorded music by local dj’s”,

-        maximum number of people in attendance - 150,

-        licensable activities applied for are:

·       The sale by retail of alcohol from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs

·       The provision of regulated entertainment from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs

·       The provision of late night refreshment from 18.00hrs to 01.00hrs


Lisa Tempest attended the hearing and presented the report on behalf of the Licensing Authority.


Jill Wolfendale attended the hearing and presented the case on behalf of Environmental Health.


Mr Ray Harrison (premises owner) presented the case on behalf of the applicant (Ryan Harrison), and Mr Matthew Robinson (event organiser) provided supplementary information about the event on 15th October in particular.


Members and all parties present asked questions.


Members heard that the Council had received no specific complaints about noise nuisance emanating from Electric Circus specifically. However, they also heard that an application to discharge the pre-occupation conditions that were attached to the planning application decision notice COU/2021/0326 for 51 Bank Parade, one of which (condition 3) related to the submission of a noise assessment, had not been made by the applicant. Consequently Environmental Health was not able to establish if any measures had been put in place to mitigate noise leakage from the building, such as appropriate noise insulation.


Mr Harrison confirmed that Electric Circus had received no written complaints and informed the Sub-committee that the noise assessment would be undertaken shortly.


Members RESOLVED to go into private session to consider the Temporary Event Notices, and to receive legal advice.




1)    That the meeting be adjourned until 1:00pm on Thursday 29th September to allow the applicant the opportunity to obtain a noise assessment, which is already a condition attached to the premises licence [at page 7], and

2)    That the applicant be requested to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.