Agenda item

Capital Budget 2017/18 and Capital Investment Programme 2017/18 - 2019/20

To consider a report on the Capital Budget for 2017/18 and the Capital Programme for 2017/18 – 2019/20, and make any recommendations to the Executive.


Asad Mushtaq presented the report which outlined the proposed capital budget for 2017/18, and the capital investment programme.


Members discussed the following:


·        Building Alteration works – works required at the Town hall following condition surveys.

·        Towneley Hall overspill car park – to be match funded by Friends of Towneley Hall, located near to the existing car park.

·        Leisure Trust Improvements – larger scale maintenance and improvements, in some cases as part of externally funded projects.

·        Lower St James Street – extension of the existing town centre scheme in partnership with LCC.

·        River training walls – whose responsibility were these?  The position is complicated and depending on location, they can be the responsibility of the Environment Agency or the riparian owner. The item in the capital programme relates to sites where the Council is the owner.

·        Funding bids for flood prevention work have been submitted.

·        Was it possible to have more narrative on new items in the programme in the report rather than as a separate document.


It was agreed that the report be noted.


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