Agenda item

Youth Investment Fund Application

To consider a Youth Investment Fund Application



To consider supporting OnSide’s Youth Investment Fund (YIF) bid for a proposed Open Access Youth Zone in Burnley for young people.




The Open Access OnSide Youth Zone model is a nationally recognised model that establishes a localised four-way partnership between the private-sector, the local authority, young people and the voluntary/community sector to deliver improved outcomes for young people.


The OnSide Youth Zone model creates opportunities for young people to build positive relationships with supportive adults, enhancing skills such as teamwork, collaboration, communication and leadership.


Exposure to and participation in a range of positive activities that a young person in the borough may not normally have had the opportunity to experience, enhances awareness of options and possibilities, and leads to more informed decision making.


Open access to development pathways and support has the potential to allow young people to become more responsible for their choices, leading to greater independence and reducing demand on existing services.


The development of an Open Access Youth Zone complements several strategic priorities, including:


         PE1- We will work with partners to make the borough a place of aspiration, including supporting efforts to increase education attainment and skills development.

         PR3- We will deliver the Town Centre and Canalside Masterplan, and strategic projects in Padiham Town Centre.


A Youth Zone been identified as a strategic intervention in the Town Centre and Canalside Masterplan.  A building specifically for young people would diversify the existing town centre offer, further adding vibrancy to the momentum generated by the implementation of the Town Centre and Canalside Masterplan.  The YIF application by OnSide (if successful) presents a unique opportunity to deliver the aspirations contained in the Town Centre and Canalside Masterplan to deliver a Youth Zone for young people.


An Open Access Youth Zone complements the priorities outlined in the Council’s Covid-19 Community Recovery Plan.


If the YIF bid is successful, the newly formed local charity that is established will create up to 26.9 full time equivalent roles. This could be a split of 16 full times roles and 25 part time employment opportunities of which some would be sessional work.  There would also be the possibility of regular volunteering opportunities.



(1) That the outcome of the viability study prepared by OnSide be noted and that the benefits of an Open Access OnSide Youth Zone in Burnley be recognised;

(2) That the support for an OnSide Youth Zone in Burnley be noted following consultation with wider partners, voluntary organisations and young people;

(3) That the application by OnSide to the YIF for an Open Access Youth Zone in Burnley be endorsed and supported;

(4) That the business case be endorsed and the revenue and capital grants (including (without limitation) the Better Care Capital Grant) to OnSide set out in this report be approved;

(5) That the initial at-risk revenue grant to OnSide for the feasibility work to maintain the momentum of the project and to strengthen the deliverability of OnSide’s YIF application be approved;

(6) That the direct appointment of Geldards via the North West Legal Consortium Framework to provide the legal support for this project be approved;

(7) That authority be delegated to the Chief Operating Officer (in consultation with the Executive Member of Resources and Head of Finance and Property) to negotiate and agree terms with OnSide (including (without limitation) the grant agreement and the disposal of land (subject to planning and successful YIF bid) to OnSide); and

(8) That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to execute all documents necessary to give effect to this decision.