Agenda item

2024/25 Treasury Management Strategy and 2024/25 - 2026/27 Prudential and Treasury Indicators

To consider a report on the 2024/25 Treasury Management Strategy and 2024/25 - 2026/27 Prudential and Treasury Indicators.


The Committee considered a report on the 2024/25 Treasury Management Strategy and 2024/25 to 2026/27 Prudential and Treasury Indicators. 


Full Council were recommended to approve the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25; the prudential and treasury indicators for 2024/25 to 2026/27, including the authorised limit for external debt of £100.199m in 2024/25; the list of Counterparties for Deposits; and the Council’s Minimum Revenue Position Statement for 2024/25.


It was highlighted that there had been poor Member attendance at the recent Treasury Management training which had taken place on 1st February 2024.  However, a link to the recording of the training had been circulated to all Members for their convenience.  


RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 

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