Agenda item

Selective Licensing - Consultation on Future Proposals

To consider a report on Selective Licensing – Consultation on Future Proposals.


A report was submitted on the Selective Licensing consultation on future proposals. 


The report requested the Executive approve the consultation and evidence gathering for the proposal to designate six areas for selective licensing.  The draft case proposal document set out the Council’s reasons for proposing to designate Trinity; Queensgate; Gannow; Daneshouse and Stoneyholme; Padiham; and Lyndhurst Road areas for Selective Licensing.


The report also requested the approval of the proposed fee and charging structure, staffing structure, case proposal document, proposed designation boundaries and areas for consultation, dates for consultation, Fit and Proper Person Criteria and Licence Conditions.  Furthermore, it requested the Executive approve the appointment of a Project Assistant for the period April 2024 to January 2025, and approve in principle upfront payment for statutory notices of designation in local newspapers, should the schemes by approved by the Secretary of State.


Clarification was sought on whether landlords were considered for registration where they leased property to their family.  It was explained that there were a number of exemptions that could be applied for, and this was included.


Further clarification was sought on the benefits of Selective Licensing and whether it made a difference.  The Head of Housing and Development Control outlined the benefits, including health and safety, dealing with anti-social behaviour and maintaining standards, and the difference that made on communities.      


Regular monitoring of the areas enabled the Council to identify new properties that required licensing and identify those that had not applied.  Audits of the areas were also undertaken to identify individual properties that needed attention.


Feedback from the Landlords forum suggested that Landlords don’t know about the opportunities to work with the Council, and it was felt that this was an area for development. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 

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