Voting record

 Full Council, Wednesday, 24th February, 2021 6.30 pm

Item: Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2021/22

Conservative Group Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForT Commis, I Emo, D Ferrier, B Foster, P Gill, A Hosker and C Towneley7
AgainstA Anwar, H Baker, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, B Brindle, P Campbell, F Cant, S Chaudhary, A Fewings, S Graham, S Hall, J Harbour, S Hussain, M Ishtiaq, M Johnstone, A Kelly, A Khan, L Khan, S Khan, W Khan, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, T Martin, P McCann, L Mehanna, N Mottershead, A Newhouse, L Pate, E Payne, M Payne, A Raja, D Roper, A Royle, J Sumner, A Tatchell and M Townsend37
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

Revenue and Capital budget and Council tax 2021/22:

Motion status:Carried

ForA Anwar, H Baker, G Birtwistle, C Briggs, B Brindle, P Campbell, F Cant, S Chaudhary, B Foster, S Graham, J Harbour, S Hussain, M Ishtiaq, M Johnstone, A Kelly, A Khan, L Khan, S Khan, W Khan, G Lishman, M Lishman, S Lone, T Martin, P McCann, L Mehanna, N Mottershead, L Pate, M Payne, A Raja, D Roper, A Royle, J Sumner, A Tatchell and M Townsend34
AbstainT Commis, I Emo, D Ferrier, A Fewings, P Gill, S Hall, A Hosker, A Newhouse and C Towneley9
Conflict Of InterestsNone0