Meetings, agendas and minutes

In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the council’s decision making processes, find out about forthcoming Council meetings and decisions and obtain details of your local political representatives.

Committee meeting information

Information regarding Council, Executive and committee meetings. You can find the agendas, minutes of previous meetings, as well as officer reports discussed at previous meetings. Information is also provided on dates of future meetings, and issues that will be discussed in future.


Details of the council's Constitution. The Council's Constitution sets out the detailed arrangements for how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to make sure that these decisions are made efficiently, in a transparent way and that the authority is accountable to local people.


A month by month view of the calendar of meetings Calendar

How to get involved

There is limited observer capacity at all meetings due to the size of meeting rooms. You are therefore advised to contact

You can arrange to ask a question, make a statement, or present a petition relating to any item on the agenda – or on any matter covered by the committee or Council.

To speak at a meeting or committee you will need to register. You can do this either by selecting the 'request to speak on item xx' link under the relevant item on the online agenda and completing the form, or by downloading the appropriate form from the Web Library

To request to speak at a Full Council, The Executive or Scrutiny Committee you should complete the form by 5pm on the day before the meeting.

To request to speak at Development Control or Licensing Committees you should complete this form by 5pm three days before the meeting.

You can also request to record a meeting.

A full leaflet about how you can "Have Your Say" is downloadable here

Subscribe to Updates

It is also possible to subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings, and receive notification when new agendas are published.

You can access agendas, minutes and other information for items to be discussed at meetings of the Council and Committees (except where information is exempt) on your tablet via the Modern Gov app. Details of how to download the app are below

Downloading the app

  1. Download the app from an app store of your choice:
  2. Select the organisation you are interested in from the list of publishers.
  3. Select the committees you are interested in seeing recent and upcoming documents for.

Web Library

The Web Library contains many documents that are available to download, including the calendar of meetings, Parish Councillor Register of Interest forms, and Request to Speak information.

To view documents in pdf format you will require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.